PWA provides a meeting ground for professional women to meaningfully connect and become indispensable resources to each other and the community through personal and professional development.

Attend PWA Events
Our monthly Signature Speaker Series gives you opportunities to hear accomplished woman-professionals in a wide variety of backgrounds share their experiences. Guests are welcome to attend two (2) events at the non-member rate.

Become a PWA Mentor
Looking for a support system to help you navigate the questions and situations that arise during their journey of your professional growth? Then you may want to look further into the PWA Mentor program.
Get Involved with PWA
We can use your talents and we can help you! Joining a committee or taking advantage of our Mentoring Program is a great way to get involved, meet new people, build lasting relationships, deepen your networking opportunities, and reach your personal and professional goals.

I am so glad that I decided to participate in PWA’s mentoring program because it gave me the opportunity for all of the following:
- The chance to expand my leadership skills by helping someone outside of my company, in a totally different industry, to identify and take actionable steps to achieving their goals.
- Personal satisfaction in seeing someone accomplishing something they have wanted to do, but just needed some support, insight and someone to hold them accountable.
- Learning about another professional field that I never would have had exposure to.
- To reflect on the skills, knowledge and processes I’ve utilized to gain success in achieving my own goals and career aspirations and a reminder that I need to reapply some of those to some things I’m currently working on.
I had been involved in many organizations in the past, but I didn’t want to just join on a whim; I wanted to feel as though I fit in, as though I found my niche. PWA was it.
Above the standard networking that most organizations offer, PWA also offers:
- Comfort: Sometimes getting pushed into a room full of men can be overwhelming and to an extent, boring. Who wants to talk about last night’s football game when you can talk about last night’s shopping spree? There are so many variations of women in PWA, but everyone treats each other as equals; it’s a level playing field.
- Challenges: I want to walk out of meeting feeling as though I learned something. PWA does this.
- Opportunities: Not only can PWA offer an extended network of referral sources, it also allows me opportunities to give back. PWA is a strong supporter of Lydia’s House, so I know my money is well-spent. In addition, members can give back by joining the Board. Currently, I’m serving as the 2011-2012 Treasurer. As a CPA, what better way to serve PWA than by giving my time and my talents to the organization.
Overall, PWA has provided me great skillsets, great contacts, and great opportunities. I’m so glad I joined! If you’re considering joining, come to a meeting or contact a current member to see if this is your niche too.
Thank you PWA! I have been a member for 5 years now and have to say it is my favorite “out of office” business activity. As a small business owner I value referrals the most as a way to grow my business. When I decided to join PWA I thought I was making a savvy marketing decision that was going to create a resource for sales. I soon realized that while this is an ancillary perk of PWA it is not the true reason or reward of belonging. The self improvement/motivational activities and relationships I have built are what I value most.
I have had the privilege of serving on committees as well as the Board – both enriching experiences!
I look at other members as true friends and leave each lunch, each activity with a sense of camaraderie and rejuvenation. While I am amazed at the professionalism of the members and the resources they are for me, I value the ease of relationships and acceptance the most. I am looking forward to many more rewarding years!
I joined the PWA in 1999 after attending their annual auction fundraiser. The women I met that evening, and the energy and enthusiasm that filled the room made me feel welcome right from the start. I knew I wanted to be associated with this professional group of women.
Throughout my years in the PWA, I have served on the board and have been involved with many committees; I found that by getting active within the organization I could further develop my professional relationships, and make some wonderful friends along the way.
For me the PWA provides opportunities for networking, and for personal and professional growth. I would recommend it to any woman professional whether she’s just starting her career or is a seasoned veteran.
I am employed by Edward Jones Investments, who has had a corporate membership with PWA for 10 years. I have been involved with PWA for 3 years—attending member meetings, social events and enjoying the camaraderie of the members, guests and leadership.
I was drawn to this organization because of its warmth, sense of female strength and opportunities for development, both personally and professionally. Over the past 2 years, I have developed my communication and networking abilities through my involvement with the Board and different Committees. I have also made lifelong friendships along the way.
As a young professional, the experience and knowledge I have gained from PWA is priceless and has prepared me for future leadership roles.
I am so glad that I became a part of the PWA. I attended a Women’s Symposium back in 2014 and I was immediately hooked. PWA has given me a chance to network and learn from other women with diverse talents and careers. I have been able to use the knowledge gained to help in my development at my own job. It has helped me develop leadership skills, interact with other women across St. Louis and learn from the best in their fields! I became involved in the Social Committee this year and that has only fueled my hunger to get more involved. Thank you PWA for introducing me to this group of highly motivated and skilled individuals.
Joining the Professional Women’s Alliance has been one of the smartest decisions I’ve made. The relationships I’ve developed through PWA have been a rich resource for my business. I’ve met wonderful clients and I’ve hired professionals who have really supported my business. To top it off, the outstanding PWA programs have really helped me grow professionally and personally. My PWA involvement has been meaningful, fun, and financially beneficial. It’s an outstanding organization that does great work for its members and for the charities it supports.
One of the many things I love about PWA, is how much I learn in an hour or two with this group. They provide critical tools to assist us in becoming the best, most professional we can be. PWA welcomes members and guests with open arms, provide a plethora of opportunities to become involved and have, hands-down, the very best speakers at every luncheon. Women you may know and others you are so grateful to have met. Bright, articulate and always inspiring.
PWA’s mentoring program has made a large networking group feel more intimate and personable, which is especially helpful because I’m a new member. The guidance I have received from my mentor has given me a much-needed fresh look from the outside at my daily routine, subconscious habits, even at the little voice inside my head. As a result, I am spending my time more intelligently at work and at home, and I feel like I am moving forward.
The reasons for joining PWA far exceed simply professional development. Read below to learn more about some of the value our members receive from their membership: I value my PWA membership because I have access to women who are succeeding, achieving and making a significant impact in their businesses and communities. I want to work with women like this: who motivate me to be better at what I do and remind me of the meaningful impact women make every day.
The key word I think of when I reflect on my PWA experience is “enrichment.”
I am definitely enriched by the diversity within our membership and interacting with truly professional women. In addition, the opportunity to eb enriched in regards to professional development or personal knowledge is unlimited, and there is always a bit of fun in our interactions. PWA has definitely enriched my world.
As a member of PWA, I have interfaced with other business women who have similar goals and ambitions. I have had business conversations and traded stories and advice in an intelligent manner. This exposure to forward-thinking women is invaluable to business success. Also, in the process, I have made long-lasting friendships!
Join an organization that is dedicated to building a community of women
PWA members support each other in becoming Vibrant, Outstanding, Influential, Confident, Effective, and Strong leaders in business and the community!